Имиджевая картинка

Nataliya Kamenetskaya. Сurriculum vitae

Nataliya Kamenetskaya


artist's work
curriculum vitae
2013. International Women's Day,an Exhibition of Feminist Art from Avant-Guard till Presence. Co-curator with  Olesya Turkina and Marina Loshak. MANEZH.Museum and Exhibition Space “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”, Moscow.
2012. Mirages, the international exhibition of contemporary women’s art within “The Interaction of Cultures in Polyethnic Space (Gender Aspects)” project. Curator and participating artist. The Museum Centre of Russian State University for the Humanities [RGGU Museum Center], Russian Federation of Artists [ТСХР], INO Creative Lab [INO], Moscow.
2012 My Motherland and I, Soviet and Post-Soviet Childhood project.Co-curator with Irina 
Bakanova and Natalia Fomina. The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, RGGU Museum Centre, INO, Moscow. 
Under  the auspices of this project: (1) My Motherland and I. Soviet and Post-Soviet Childhood, an exhibition of artworks created by children from 1930s to the present, it took place in RGGU and The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts; (2) scientific-practical seminar “Social norm, deviation and cultural diversity: the children of migrants and refugees in the former Soviet Union”.
2011 Women’s Nano, international exhibition presented in a special programme for the 
4th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. Co-curator with Annuchka Brochet & Masha 
Naimushina, and participating artist. RGGU, RusNano, INO, Moscow.
Anthropologizing the Future, international exhibition presented in a special 
programme for the 4th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. Curator and participating artist. 
The Contemporary Art Centre M’ARS, TCXP, RGGU Museum Center. The Contemporary Art Centre M’ARS, Moscow. 
2010 ZEN d’ART. The Gender History of Art in the Post-Soviet Space: 1989~2009,
co-curator with Oxana Sarkisyan. Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow. 
Under  the auspices of this project: round-tables discussion and scientific seminars.
2009 Vulnerability,international women art exhibition presented in a special programme for 
the 3th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. RGGU Museum Centre, INO.
Curator and participating artist. 
Workshop of Feminine Creation. Evidence of Absent Subject, the retrospective show
 of feminine art activism presented in a special programme for the 3th Moscow Biennale of 
Contemporary Art. Moscow Museum of Modern Art.
2007 The Katoptron (The gaze and the mirror), International exhibition presented in a special programme for the 2nd Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Creative Workshop INO, RGGU Museum Centre, Moscow. 
2006 Homo Grandis Natu, Age, International exhibition of contemporary art focused on old age problems, co-Curator with Reet Varblane . Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn, and RGGU Museum Centre, Moscow.
2004–2006. “Gender Aspects of the Visual Arts of Northern and Central Russia: Tradition and Innovation” project.  Under  the auspices of this project: 
Egalitarianism, exhibition presented in a special programme for the 1st Moscow 
Biennale of Contemporary Art, Creative Lab INO, RGGU Museum Centre, Moscow, 2005;
Images of Men and Women in the Visual Culture of the Polar Regions. Murmansk Oblast Centre for Creative Arts and Crafts, Murmansk, 2004.
2004 Body, Culture, and Optical Phantoms, exhibit for the conference “Body and Culture”, RGGU Museum Centre, Moscow.
2002 Femme Art (Women's Painting in Russia XV-XX centuries), curator of the contemporary division of the exhibition, author of the idea with Nadezhda Yurosovskaya, participating artist. INO, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.
1999 Anamnezis Lapsus memoriae//Reminiscences, Errors of Memory, exhibit for “Women in Art” roundtable.RGGU Museum Centre, INO, Moscow
1996 Borderlines of Interpretations,exhibit for the international conference "The Borderline of Interpretation of Humanitarian and Scientific Knowledge”. Co-curator with Olga Ziangirova and Maria Chuikova.RGGU Museum Centre, Moscow.
Non-Verbal Communications (He, It, They), exhibit for the conference "Non-Verbal Communications in Culture”, RGGU Museum Centre, Moscow.
1995 Apocalypse, exhibit for the international conference "Apocalypse: Self-Awareness of Culture on the Brink of the 20th Century”, RGGU Museum Centre, Moscow.
Colloquium: The Swedish-Russian Artistic Experience of Cultural Anthropology, curator and participating artist.  Centre for Contemporary Art, Moscow.
1992 0 Arcane. Exhibit for the international conference "Russian Culture and Subculture”, curator and participating artist. Central House of Artists, Moscow. 
1990 Femininity & Power, co-organizer with Irina Sandomorskaya, participating artist. Idioma, Central Club for Art Workers, Moscow.
“Women as Subject and Object in Art” project, co-organizer with Irina Sandomirskaya// ZEN: Woman as Subject and Object in Art, exhibition within the project, participating 
artist. Sadovniky Gallery, Moscow.
SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITION (participating artist)
Lights of women, International Women Arts Exhibition. Gwangju, Republic of Korea, 2012.
The Outer Space State of Transcendental Upheavels, Russia/UK exhibition presented 
in a special programme for the 4th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. Proekt_Fabrika, Moscow, 2011.
Women Artists of Moscow in Contemporary Art of Russia. Novyi Manezh, Moscow, 2010.
Chaos – C0smos. Russian and Slovak visual artists exhibition. Aircraft Galery, Bratislava, 2009.
The Origin of Darvin. State Darwin Museum, Russian Federation of Artists, Moscow.
Annamukhamed  Zaripov and his Collection. Marble Palace, The Russian Museum, 2009.
From Non-Conformism to Feminisms: Russian Women Artists. Kolodzei Art Foundation, ?Chelsea Art Museum, New York, 2008–2009.
Take care, Religion. Sakharov Centre, Moscow, 2003.
International Festival of New Technologies in Contemporary Art (in honour of St. Petersburg’s Tricentennial). Saint Petersburg Centre for the Visual Arts, Saint Petersburg, 2003.
Travel Moscow – Berlin. German Embassy, Moscow, 2002.
Self-Portrait of the Woman Artist. RGGU Museum Centre, INO, Moscow, 2002.
Women in Art, Atrium Gallery, Morristown, NJ, 2000.
Gender Boundaries. Cyber-Femin-Club, Saint Petersburg, 1999.
Museum of Time //Moscow International Forum of Art Initiatives. Group project, Malyi Manezh, Moscow, 1998.
Girlfriends. Phoenix Gallery, Moscow, 1997.
Second Point. Phoenix Gallery, Moscow, 1997.
Hindelopa.UN, SCONA, Art hall of Tomelilla, Sweden, 1991
Russian & Contemporary Soviet Art, Rome and Finland, 1990.
1989 Exhibition of Young Artists of the USSR, VDNKh, Moscow.
Eidos. Palace of Youth, Moscow, 1989.
Labyrinth. Hamburg, Germany, 1989.
All-Union Exhibit of Young Artists. Manezh, Moscow, 1989.
Labyrinth. Palace of Youth, Moscow, 1988.
The 17th Moscow Young Artists' Exhibition. Kuznetsky Most, Moscow, 1986.
Author- compiler with O. Turkina and M. Loshak,  „International Women's Day:Feminist Art from Avant-Guard till Presence“ //Feminism, 8 March, and womens exhibitions, M.: Manezh, 2013. P. 14~16, 158~159.
Editor, author compiler,„Mirages“, catalog. RGGU Museum Center, Moscow, 212. 
Editor, compiler with Annuchka Brochet, “Womens Nano”, catalog, Moscow, 2011. 
Author-compiler with O. Sarkisyan, “ZEN d’ART. The History of Gender and Art in Post-Soviet Space: 1989~2009“// The ZEN projects in Post-Soviet Space, Moscow Museum of Modern Art Publishing Program, 2010. P. 52 – 66.
„RGGU Bulletin“ № 15. Culturology Art History, Museology Series, Scientific journal. The gender aspects of the body representation in the contemporary art, Moscow 2010, P. 224 – 232.
Editor, compiler with Natalia Abalakova, „Vulnerability“, catalog, Moscow, 2009.
“Gender Studies Journal”, The She-Scout, issue 16, Kharkov Center for Gender Studies, 2008, P. 27-37.
“Gender Studies Journal”, Does Post-Soviet Feminism exist?, issue 17, Kharkov Center for Gender Studies, 2007, P. 19-24.
Editor, with Irina Bakanova and Galina Zvereva, „Gender Aspects in Visual Arts of Northern and Central Russia“. Moscow: RGGU, 2006.
Editor, with Nadezhda Jurosovskaya, „Femme Art“.  Moscow: Tretyakov Gallery, 2002.
“Russische Kultur und Gender Studies”, Gender Representations in Russian Culture. Berlin: Verlag Arno Apitz GmbH, p. 137 - 147. 2002.
1999 Editor, compiler, “Woman in art: Gender Boundaries.” Woman in Art: Images, Roles, and Perspectives“. Moscow: RGGU, 1999.
“Sex & Gender in Russian Culture.” Time, the Artist and St. Sebastian. Moscow: RGGU, 1998.
“Gender, Family, Culture.” Virtuality of Gender Realities. Moscow: RGGU
Author, „He, It, They“. Moscow: RGGU, 1996.
Compiler, „Borderlines of Interpretation“. Moscow: RGGU, 1996.
Author, „Apocalypse“, catalog. Moscow: RGGU, 1995.
1994 "Post-Soviet Art and Architecture." Re-Animating Culture. St. Sebastian. London: Academy Editions, p. 101 – 103, 1994.
Editor, Heresies/IdiomA, vol. 7, issue 26, 1992.
“Femininity and Power.” Iskusstvo Kino, no. 6, Moscow, p. 1 -2, 1990.
2011. Innovation Award 2010 competition. Nominee in the nomination “Art theory and criticism”.
2011. Bronze Medal of Merit in the culture.*Award from Russian Federation of Artists.
1997. Residency Apocalypso, Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, Canada
*Awarded grant from Banff Centre for the Arts
Summer University, CEU, Budapest, Hungary
*Awarded grant from the CEU, Soros Foundation
1996. Yaddo Residency for Artists, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA
*Awarded grant from the Yaddo Residence, Trust for Mutual Understanding
1995.   *Award from RGGU for “Apocalypse” exhibit
1989.   *Awarded silver medal from Ministry of Culture for participation in VDNKh exhibit of young artists.
1987 "Senezh" Residency for Artists, Russia
*Awarded grant from the All-Union Art Fund
1985 & 1986. "Tarusa" Residency for Artists, Russia
*Awarded grant from the Moscow Art Fund
Regularly lecture at RSUH, Moscow
2012. Conference„Art et Genre dans l'espace postsovietique”, presentee dans le cadre du seminaire doctoral « Projets interdisciplinaires : art et science » de l’Ecole doctorale 279 ARTS PLASTIQUES, ESTHETIQUE ET SCIENCES DE L'ART,Centre Saint-Charles Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris
1997.  «The ‘New Adam’ in Russian Cultural Representation (Angels and Beasts) to 
the end of the Millenium in Russia,» Dept. Of Fine Arts, Parsons School of Design, New York 
1996. "Gender Representation in Russian Culture & Art: the End of the 90s", Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, New York
_____________________, New York Studio Program, 
Association of Independent Colleges of Art & Design, New York 
«International Net and Virtual Cultural Projects in Russia», 
Lehman College, New York
_____________________, Ramapo College, New Jersey
1991,1990   "Russian Women’s Art", University of Lund, Tomelilla

1990    “History of Women’s art in Russia,” University of Rochester, N Y 

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